
For dear pal Ernie’s birthday, yesterday, Bert, Sean, myself, who also happens to be Oscar ;), and Ernie of course, went to Universal Studios Singapore (USS) to celebrate. Also, as y’all have probably realised from my blog, I love the USS and it was also a revival trip, after more than half a year a … More Revival

My Perfect Christmas

Let me say a few things first, just to clarify. Firstly, I’m not a Christian (though I share some beliefs in Christianity). Secondly, what you’ll be reading in the body text hasn’t happened in my life (yet, I hope). And lastly, please excuse/pardon/accept/(whatever etc) my somewhat old-fashioned/cliché ideal Christmas, I’m a heavily movie-influenced person as … More My Perfect Christmas

Perfect Recharge

I may not look like so, or maybe the way I communicate and my behaviour don’t suggest as such, but I am one who gets stressed rather easily. However, I tend to continue stressing myself and increasingly upset myself before I finally decide to take a break, usually after being convinced by my family and … More Perfect Recharge