From End to Beginning

No, nothing has happened to my grammar, even though I make occasional grammatical mistakes here and there. Yes and I meant “from end to beginning“.

As 2016 kicked start, to be honest, I didn’t feel like the “Oh it’s new year yeah…” kind of feel, largely because I was still enjoying my holidays. When school reopened, the whole retain thing didn’t really sink in till I went through JC1 Orientation again. And as orientation came to an epic and victorious closure (my OG and family won the big prizes), withdrawal symptoms surfaced and as I’m here typing this blogpost and reflecting as I take myself through the first morning in the Lunar New Year, you can say that there’s just so much going through my brain and heart and I need to get them out real quick.

This new year (both 2016 and the year of Monkey) is just full of uncertainties, mysteries and excitements! I guess you can take “from end to beginning” as many interpretations as you like. It means from 2015 to 2016; from year of goat to year of monkey; from end of failed JC1 year to 2nd chance at JC1 again, etc.

I mentioned in a recent Instagram post of mine that I told myself I ought to change for the better this year, make things right and make ends meet. And that I also started a positive change right from the beginning as orientation started that I stepped out of my (introvert) comfort zone and socialised more and made new friends and tried helping the juniors to cope and blend in well. But more to those was that I felt anew yet so familiar throughout the whole experience. I was so happy and satisfied with the whole experience that I was pretty much saddened when it ended.

Apparently, Chinese New Year approached earlier this year and as soon as orientation ended, celebrations and holidays returned. Much as I feel a little disadvantageous because the drive for studying hasn’t kicked start the engine because lessons haven’t started, this long weekend (especially nights like this) gave me ample time to reflect. To tell you the truth, what I’ve already said might be much enough for a blogpost but ain’t even 10% of how much I’ve in my mind and heart. Don’t worry, I won’t drown you with everything I have. Essentially, I just wanna share some bits and slices of feelings and thoughts for the past 2 weeks and to express some new year wishes (for you as well).

Well, I just hope my new year would turn out good and I’ll finally promote to JC2. But these aside, I don’t know about you but I hope your year will be better than previous years and you’ll be all healthy and happy! Happy (Lunar) New Year guys!

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